Tailored Fitness at Marrakesh Gym

Low impact exercise for better health and wellness
Silver Sneakers is an exercise program specifically designed for seniors. With low intensity exercises that are gentle on bones and joints, Silver Sneakers is led by certified instructors who guide through routines that are simple but effective. Exercises can be adjusted by ability level and can be done standing or seated.
In addition to great exercise, Silver Sneakers offers access to other services and amenities at TAG Fitness, like treadmills, bikes, and weights.
Just 30-minutes a day of even light exercise can improve health. Silver Sneakers is covered at no cost by many health insurance plans, so check yours today! Then stop by our Marrakesh gym for a tour of the facility. As a member of Silver Sneakers, you’ll not only improve your fitness, you’ll have a great time making new friends, too!